National flag of Haiti

Flag of Haiti
The official name of Haiti (HTI) is Republic of Haiti and consists of Blue and red flag colors. The capital city of Haiti is Port-au-Prince. Haiti has the total estimated population as of 2021 is 10,745,665 or 10.7 M based on 9 states, 10 cities. The independence day is celebrated on January 1, 1804 and the founder of Haiti is Jean-Jacques Dessalines.

(10.7 M)


27,750.0 km2
(10,714.3305 sqm)


North America




About Haiti Flag

Haiti flag
Haiti Flag Colors   Blue
Meaning of Haiti flag colors

A bicolor flag with an emblem in the center, representing coat of arms of Haiti.
Blue and Red stripes represent the different ethnic groups in Haiti.

Haiti Flag Proportion Ratio 3:5
Haiti Flag Proportion in Decimal 1.667
Official Haiti's Flag Adoption Date February 26, 1986 (38 years, 11 months ago)

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Neighboring Countries of Haiti

Dominican Republic