National flag of Lesotho

Flag of Lesotho
The official name of Lesotho (LSO) is Kingdom of Lesotho and consists of Blue, white, green and black flag colors. The capital city of Lesotho is Maseru. Lesotho has the total estimated population as of 2021 is 2,098,000 or 2.1 M based on 10 states, 10 cities. The independence day is celebrated on October 4, 1966 and the founder of Lesotho is Moshoeshoe II, original name Constantine Bereng Seeiso.

(2.1 M)


30,355.0 km2
(11,720.12621 sqm)






About Lesotho Flag

Lesotho flag
Lesotho Flag Colors   Blue
Meaning of Lesotho flag colors

The current flag was modeled and adopted on the 40th Independence Day of Lesotho. The four colors mean the following respectively:
Blue: represents the sky and rain
White: Indicates towards the good relations with South Africa, a neighboring country. Also relates to peace and country’s internal wellbeing and peace.
Green: relates prosperity and the fertile land.
Black: Mokorotlo, a traditional Bosotho hat, represents cultural heritage.

Lesotho Flag Proportion Ratio 2:3
Lesotho Flag Proportion in Decimal 1.5
Official Lesotho's Flag Adoption Date October 4, 2006 (18 years, 4 months ago)

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Neighboring Countries of Lesotho

South Africa