National flag of Spain

Flag of Spain
The official name of Spain (ESP) is Kingdom of Spain and consists of Red and gold flag colors. The capital city of Spain is Madrid. Spain has the total estimated population as of 2021 is 46,507,760 or 46.5 M based on 50 states, 49 cities. The independence day is celebrated on December 6, 1978 and the founder of Spain is Catholic Monarchs.

(46.5 M)


505,992.0 km2
(195,364.523184 sqm)






About Spain Flag

Spain flag
Spain Flag Colors   Red
Meaning of Spain flag colors

Spain’s flag is majorly linked with bull fighting. The specific meanings of red and yellow are:
Red: The blood of the bull during bullfighting.
Yellow: The sand in the arena during bull fighting
The country’s motto is also mentioned on the flag which translates to, “There is more beyond.”

Spain Flag Proportion Ratio 2:3
Spain Flag Proportion in Decimal 1.5
Official Spain's Flag Adoption Date December 19, 1981 (43 years, 2 months ago)

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Neighboring Countries of Spain