National flag of Dominican Republic

Flag of Dominican Republic
The official name of Dominican Republic (DOM) is Dominican Republic and consists of Blue, white and red flag colors. The capital city of Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic has the total estimated population as of 2021 is 10,378,267 or 10.4 M based on 30 states, 32 cities. The independence day is celebrated on February 27, 1844 and the founder of Dominican Republic is Juan Pablo Duarte, Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, Matías Ramón Mella.

(10.4 M)


48,671.0 km2
(18,791.970442 sqm)


North America




About Dominican Republic Flag

Dominican Republic flag
Dominican Republic Flag Colors   Blue
Meaning of Dominican Republic flag colors

A status of nationality is portrayed through Domnican Republic’s flag. The three colors depict:
Red: Blood lost in country’s defense
White: Desire for peace. The emblem on the band states the country’s motto which translates to, “God, Fatherland, Liberty.”
Blue: Freedom of their citizens

Dominican Republic Flag Proportion Ratio 5:8
Dominican Republic Flag Proportion in Decimal 1.6
Official Dominican Republic's Flag Adoption Date November 6, 1863 (161 years, 3 months ago)

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Neighboring Countries of Dominican Republic
