National flag of Republic of the Congo

Flag of Republic of the Congo
The official name of Republic of the Congo (COG) is Republic of the Congo and consists of Green, yellow and red flag colors. The capital city of Republic of the Congo is Brazzaville. Republic of the Congo has the total estimated population as of 2021 is 4,559,000 or 4.6 M based on 11 states, 18 cities. The independence day is celebrated on June 30, 1960 and the founder of Republic of the Congo is Patrice Lumumba, Joseph Kasa-Vubu, Albert Kalonji, Jean Bolikango, Cléophas Kamitatu, and Paul Bolya.

(4.6 M)


342,000.0 km2
(132,046.884 sqm)






About Republic of the Congo Flag

Republic of the Congo flag
Republic of the Congo Flag Colors   Green
Meaning of Republic of the Congo flag colors

This country’s flag has two triangles of green and red and a diagonal line of yellow, which mean:
Yellow: nobility and friendship of Congolese people.
Red: does not have a clear meaning.
Green: agriculture and forest of Congo.

Republic Of The Congo Flag Proportion Ratio 3:4
Republic Of The Congo Flag Proportion in Decimal 1.333
Official Republic Of The Congo's Flag Adoption Date February 20, 2006 (18 years, 11 months ago)

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